Ekurhuleni Chess Open 15March2025 Section c

Last update 13.03.2025 18:02:01, Creator/Last Upload: Sanet Maritz

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Starting rank

1Robinson, EthanRSA1582
2Nkabinde, LwaziRSA1528
3Erasmus, MaxRSA1380
4Nolan, ChristopherRSA1379
5Liebenberg, MichaelRSA1305
6Cloete, NathanRSA1294
7Dankaert, AlexisRSA1281
8Ambrose, ValentinoRSA1219
9Murugasen, TristanRSA1198
10Yaregal, AaronRSA1187
11Masekoane, AshleeRSA1134
12Singh, MedhaRSA0