3ra Juvenil Uncoli 2024-2025BLITZ

Last update 14.03.2025 00:20:24, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Tournament selectionInfantil, Juvenil, Mayores, InfantilBlitz, JuvenilBlitz, MayoresBlitz
Parameters Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
Overview for teamALC, AND, FRA, MAR, NG, RC, SB, SC, SJ
Overview for groupsjuve
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/6 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
GamesThere are 18 games available for download
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Player overview for juve

Results of the last round for juve

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
6115Ospina Delgado Santiago 1799 ½ - ½5 Rey Barroso Pablo 18501
623Quintero Martin 18444 1 - 04 Moreno Manuel 18356
632Gonzalez Acuna Tomas 18474 1 - 0 Posada Cristobal 173626
647Morales Fernando 18323 0 - 13 Biguet Matias 179317
6512Garcia Molano Samuel 18143 1 - 03 Porras Leon Juan Sebastian 18239
6611Angel Chaves Manuel 18173 0 - 13 Castaneda Sebastian 176022
6710Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro 18202 1 - 0 Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo 174525
688Lopez Rugeles Santiago 18262 1 - 02 Nieto Mateus Martin 173027
6919Benavides Alejandro 17782 1 - 02 Silva Pico Juan Pablo 177221
61035Diez Varon Rafael David 02 0 - 12 Sierra Ramirez Samuel 177520
6114Zarate Matias 1841 0 - 11 Perales Silas 170332
61224Estrada Acosta Santiago 17481 0 - 11 Hubel Tafur Isabela 172129
61318Gutierrez Cortes Juan David 17870 1 - 00 Venegas Calderon Valentina 036
6145Acuna Juan Manuel 18380 0 not paired 
61513Molano Gallo Samir Arturo 18110 0 not paired 
61614Rivera Botero Sara 18081 0 not paired 
61716Guzman Alejandro 17960 0 not paired 
61823Molano Marin Juan Andres 17540 0 not paired 
61928Van Ausdal Niko 17240 0 not paired 
62030Quintana Tamayo Mateo 17180 0 not paired 
62131Velasco De Valdenebro Julieta 17121 0 not paired 
62233Alvira Silvana 00 0 not paired 
62334Davila Antonia 00 0 not paired 

Player details for juve

Rey Barroso Pablo 1850 RC Rp:2224 Pts. 5,5
117Biguet Matias1793FRA4w 1
210Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro1820SB3s 1
36Moreno Manuel1835SJ4w 1
42Gonzalez Acuna Tomas1847SC5s 1
53Quintero Martin1844NG5w 1
615Ospina Delgado Santiago1799SB4s ½
Gonzalez Acuna Tomas 1847 SC Rp:2069 Pts. 5
119Benavides Alejandro1778FRA3s 1
211Angel Chaves Manuel1817SB3w 1
315Ospina Delgado Santiago1799SB4s 1
41Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5w 0
517Biguet Matias1793FRA4s 1
626Posada Cristobal1736FRA3,5w 1
Quintero Martin 1844 NG Rp:1957 Pts. 5
120Sierra Ramirez Samuel1775SC3w 1
212Garcia Molano Samuel1814SC4s 1
335Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2s 1
47Morales Fernando1832SJ3w 1
51Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5s 0
66Moreno Manuel1835SJ4w 1
Zarate Matias 1841 NG Rp:1576 Pts. 1,5
121Silva Pico Juan Pablo1772SB2s 1
215Ospina Delgado Santiago1799SB4w 0
319Benavides Alejandro1778FRA3s 0
425Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5w ½
511Angel Chaves Manuel1817SB3s 0
632Perales Silas1703FRA2w 0
Acuna Juan Manuel 1838 SC Pts. 0
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
Moreno Manuel 1835 SJ Rp:1922 Pts. 4
122Castaneda Sebastian1760FRA4w 1
226Posada Cristobal1736FRA3,5s 1
31Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5s 0
419Benavides Alejandro1778FRA3w 1
512Garcia Molano Samuel1814SC4w 1
63Quintero Martin1844NG5s 0
Morales Fernando 1832 SJ Rp:1663 Pts. 3
125Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5s 1
235Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2w 0
320Sierra Ramirez Samuel1775SC3s 1
43Quintero Martin1844NG5s 0
510Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro1820SB3w 1
617Biguet Matias1793FRA4w 0
Lopez Rugeles Santiago 1826 ALC Rp:1946 Pts. 3
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
331Velasco De Valdenebro Julieta1712MAR1w 1
421Silva Pico Juan Pablo1772SB2s 1
515Ospina Delgado Santiago1799SB4s 0
627Nieto Mateus Martin1730SB2w 1
Porras Leon Juan Sebastian 1823 SB Rp:1649 Pts. 3
126Posada Cristobal1736FRA3,5w 0
222Castaneda Sebastian1760FRA4s 0
333Alvira Silvana0ALC0w 1
414Rivera Botero Sara1808MAR1s 1
519Benavides Alejandro1778FRA3w 1
612Garcia Molano Samuel1814SC4s 0
Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro 1820 SB Rp:1778 Pts. 3
132Perales Silas1703FRA2s 1
21Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5w 0
322Castaneda Sebastian1760FRA4s 0
420Sierra Ramirez Samuel1775SC3w 1
57Morales Fernando1832SJ3s 0
625Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5w 1
Angel Chaves Manuel 1817 SB Rp:1655 Pts. 3
133Alvira Silvana0ALC0w 1
22Gonzalez Acuna Tomas1847SC5s 0
326Posada Cristobal1736FRA3,5w 0
424Estrada Acosta Santiago1748SC1s 1
54Zarate Matias1841NG1,5w 1
622Castaneda Sebastian1760FRA4w 0
Garcia Molano Samuel 1814 SC Rp:1919 Pts. 4
127Nieto Mateus Martin1730SB2s 1
23Quintero Martin1844NG5w 0
321Silva Pico Juan Pablo1772SB2s 1
422Castaneda Sebastian1760FRA4w 1
56Moreno Manuel1835SJ4s 0
69Porras Leon Juan Sebastian1823SB3w 1
Molano Gallo Samir Arturo 1811 SC Pts. 0
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
Rivera Botero Sara 1808 MAR Rp:1199 Pts. 1
135Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2w 0
225Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5s 0
334Davila Antonia0ALC0w 1
49Porras Leon Juan Sebastian1823SB3w 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
Ospina Delgado Santiago 1799 SB Rp:1808 Pts. 4
134Davila Antonia0ALC0s 1
24Zarate Matias1841NG1,5s 1
32Gonzalez Acuna Tomas1847SC5w 0
426Posada Cristobal1736FRA3,5s ½
58Lopez Rugeles Santiago1826ALC3w 1
61Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5w ½
Guzman Alejandro 1796 SC Pts. 0
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
Biguet Matias 1793 FRA Rp:1792 Pts. 4
11Rey Barroso Pablo1850RC5,5s 0
227Nieto Mateus Martin1730SB2w 1
325Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5w 1
435Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2s 1
52Gonzalez Acuna Tomas1847SC5w 0
67Morales Fernando1832SJ3s 1
Gutierrez Cortes Juan David 1787 SB Rp:1388 Pts. 1
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
520Sierra Ramirez Samuel1775SC3s 0
636Venegas Calderon Valentina0ALC0w 1
Benavides Alejandro 1778 FRA Rp:1686 Pts. 3
12Gonzalez Acuna Tomas1847SC5w 0
233Alvira Silvana0ALC0s 1
34Zarate Matias1841NG1,5w 1
46Moreno Manuel1835SJ4s 0
59Porras Leon Juan Sebastian1823SB3s 0
621Silva Pico Juan Pablo1772SB2w 1
Sierra Ramirez Samuel 1775 SC Rp:1664 Pts. 3
13Quintero Martin1844NG5s 0
232Perales Silas1703FRA2w 1
37Morales Fernando1832SJ3w 0
410Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro1820SB3s 0
518Gutierrez Cortes Juan David1787SB1w 1
635Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2s 1
Silva Pico Juan Pablo 1772 SB Rp:1535 Pts. 2
14Zarate Matias1841NG1,5w 0
234Davila Antonia0ALC0s 1
312Garcia Molano Samuel1814SC4w 0
48Lopez Rugeles Santiago1826ALC3w 0
532Perales Silas1703FRA2s 1
619Benavides Alejandro1778FRA3s 0
Castaneda Sebastian 1760 FRA Rp:1810 Pts. 4
16Moreno Manuel1835SJ4s 0
29Porras Leon Juan Sebastian1823SB3w 1
310Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro1820SB3w 1
412Garcia Molano Samuel1814SC4s 0
535Diez Varon Rafael David0SB2w 1
611Angel Chaves Manuel1817SB3s 1
Molano Marin Juan Andres 1754 SC Pts. 0
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
Estrada Acosta Santiago 1748 SC Rp:1554 Pts. 1
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
332Perales Silas1703FRA2s 1
411Angel Chaves Manuel1817SB3w 0
525Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo1745SB2,5s 0
629Hubel Tafur Isabela1721AND2w 0
Montenegro Gonzalez Mateo 1745 SB Rp:1750 Pts. 2,5
17Morales Fernando1832SJ3w 0
214Rivera Botero Sara1808MAR1w 1
317Biguet Matias1793FRA4s 0
44Zarate Matias1841NG1,5s ½
524Estrada Acosta Santiago1748SC1w 1
610Montenegro Gonzalez Pedro1820SB3s 0

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