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Orsha 2025 Masters

Վերջին արդիացում09.02.2025 11:42:54, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

4IMKorzubov, Peter13500040BLR2373
3GMBatyrov, Sapar14000237TKM2340
5Mihajlovskij, Sergei13500805BLR2312
9IMAlekseev, Vadim13500457BLR2280
10FMSpizharny, Mikhail13516078BLR2278
6CMFedorov, Artem Alek34418431RUS2236
2FMAverin, Nikolay24250473FID2226
1WIMDimitrova, Aleksandra24173371FID2181
8WFMKuznetsova, Marina44173270FID2074
7WFMBruyatskaya, Mariya24117684RUS2068