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Torneo Blitz "Aniversario de La Villa 2025"

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony02.02.2025 17:27:35, Creator/Last Upload: pinkycuba

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1GMAlbornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel3518736CUB2570
2IMElias Reyes, Jorge Roberto3517470CUB2314
3FMRamirez Cabreja, Ronniel Abraham3534464CUB2285
4FMAlegre Leyva, Alejandro3518779CUB2200
5FMAlonso Orta, Osiel Alberto3531279CUB2181
6FMGonzalez Soler, Leduard Manuel3531120CUB2171
7FMSubit Alfonso, Jose Luis3500420CUB2162
8Mac Farlane Patrick, Randy3532011CUB2130
9Diaz Quesada, George3508749CUB2122
10Verdecia Martinez, Yulbert3531112CUB2110
11Acosta Guerrero, Yadel Alejandro3529940CUB2101
12Piedra Toboso, Carlos Ernesto3534480CUB2074
13Herrera Benitez, Felipe3532844CUB2072
14Calzadilla Gonzalez, David Alejan3534839CUB2060
15Alvarez Ruiz, Esteban3507378CUB2044
16Morales Cedeno, Andres3526038CUB2035
17Lorenzo Licourt, Alejandro3531996CUB2024
18Hernandez Elias, Yurislandy3530256CUB2021
19Gonzalez Fajardo, Christian Daniel3530175CUB2004
20Gonzalez Hernandez, Derek Alejand3530183CUB1997
21Gonzalez Garay, Carlos2253240CUB1982
22Mora Osoria, Alberto3528308CUB1960
23Correa Fajardo, Luis Alejandro3530868CUB1953
24Portales Oliva, Yohan Roman3530485CUB1938
25Morales Leyva, Brayan Daniel3531651CUB1933
26Espinosa Castaneda, Ronald Manuel3535088CUB1930
27Sanchez Gonzalez, Alejandro Antonio3534340CUB1930
28Hernandez Santana, Andy Rody3534936CUB1924
29Ortiz Aguilera, Adonis3535134CUB1923
30Hechavarria Puga, Lenier3530248CUB1899
31Castillo Rosales, Olexis3521583CUB1897
32Pino Alvarez, Yaima3531201CUB1869
33Cruz Perez, Luis Jacques3531180CUB1857
34De La Paz Vento, Manuel3527786CUB1857
35Varela Mantecon, Raycel3518752CUB1856
36Brizuela Mendoza, Melany3539466CUB1854
37Cardenas Montano, Mariam Eliz3531856CUB1854
38Pino Alvarez, Yadira3530809CUB1852
39Cruz Cordovi, Yander3534820CUB1844
40Roman Baso, Dorian Sadek3532976CUB1830
41Castro Marrero, Samira3533581CUB1820
42Torres Orama, Jordan Fred3536980CUB1808
43Cordoves Leon, Ruben Dario3534910CUB1792
44Fernandez Correa, Cristian3533395CUB1782
45Leon Infante, Brayan3536173CUB1780
46Cruz Mulet, Yoander3535908CUB1771
47Ravelo Lobaina, Erick Angelo3534332CUB1753
48Tenst Fong, Cristian De Jesus3534855CUB1748
49Laurencio Perez, Amelia3534570CUB1738
50Curriel Verdecia, Luis Daniel3535924CUB1728
51Perez Beltran, Cristian Daniel3537927CUB1725
52AFMHernandez Cachon, Claudia3534200CUB1685
53Barrios Garcia, Luis Miguel3535290CUB1680
54Hernandez Ledo, Richard3538834CUB1672
55Basulto De La Torre, Carlos Alons3534120CUB1668
56Nieves Maza, Rosa Alis3534863CUB1668
57Baez Ravelo, Maria Karla3530000CUB1642
58Pupo Guerra, Naile3537048CUB1630
59Vilarino Perez, Natalia3537811CUB1617
60Pujal Marrero, Rubi De La Caridad3535312CUB1614
61Millan Fuentesilla, Lorena3537676CUB1600
62Lopez Figueredo, Mauro3536637CUB1589
63Pozo Ruiz, Perla Maria3534715CUB1587
64Munoz Hernandez, Jose Ramon3535398CUB1572
65Fernandez Correa, Rocio3536700CUB1571
66Fajardo Serrano, Leslie Marian3534707CUB1532
67Correa Jimenez, Liz Angelica3538257CUB1515
68Ricote Corrales, Maria Claudia3535320CUB1505
69Sanchez Quinones, Lynalee3539075CUB1505
70Rodriguez Ramirez, Evelin Maria3535339CUB1500
71Rodriguez Perez, Marcos Daniel3538141CUB1492
72Tamayo Dominguez, Esteban Manuel3539121CUB1485
73Soto Perez, Lorena3536360CUB1451
74Zamora Rosales, Noslen3505529CUB2130
75FMCabrera Torres, Raul3505740CUB2120