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22. Ekipno prvenstvo Hrvatske za žene, 1. LIGA

Last update 20.09.2013 14:21:33, Creator/Last Upload: Slavko Bejuk

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Ranking crosstable

Rk.Team1234567 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1ŠK Liburnija, Rijeka * 22234915,547,8
2ŠK Goran, Vrbovsko2 * 2233915,547,5
3ŠK Draga, Rijeka2 * 281341,5
4HAŠK Mladost, Zagreb22 * 233713,535,8
5ŠK Polet, Buševec2½22 * 33712,535
6ŠK Goranka, Ravna Gora1111 * 328,55,5
7ŠK Dama, Đakovo01111 * 05,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (With real points)