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Torneo CARLOS PELLICER CAMARA LIBREՎերջին արդիացում25.01.2025 23:23:49, Creator/Last Upload: Miguel Octavio JimĂ©nez Chan
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Ramirez Broca, Edel Emiliano | 5185424 | MEX | 1874 | Gioser |
2 | | | Trujillo Garcia, Julio Cesar | 5153727 | MEX | 1747 | Arcosa |
3 | | | Madrigal Madrazo, Luis Xavier | | MEX | 1695 | Cetab |
4 | | | Acevedo Morales, Leonardo | 5175399 | MEX | 1674 | Arcosa |
5 | | | Javier Sibaja, Gustavo | 29611750 | MEX | 1671 | Arcosa |
6 | | | Juarez Diaz, Maria Guadalupe | | MEX | 1640 | Alfiles CArdenas |
7 | | | Alipi Rodriguez, Diego | | MEX | 1621 | Cetab |
8 | | | Montejo Pons, Francisco | | MEX | 1593 | Alfiles cardenas |
9 | | | Lopez Vina, Samuel Ernesto | 5150493 | MEX | 1587 | Arcosa |
10 | | | Lopez Vina, Valeria Valentina | 5190550 | MEX | 1573 | Arcosa |
11 | | | Andrade Gurria, Diony Lucia | 5190495 | MEX | 1570 | Arcosa |
12 | | | Carrera Cordova, David Roberto | | MEX | 0 | Comalcalco |
13 | | | Reyes Ramirez, Rene Junior | | MEX | 0 | Comalcalco |
14 | | | Robles Fuentes, Francisco Javier | | MEX | 0 | Comalcalco |
15 | | | Rodriguez Ramos, Angel Gabriel | | MEX | 0 | Ind |
16 | | | Sanchez Bustamante, Isidro | | MEX | 0 | Ind |