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The 9th round will start at 11:00 AM local time.

2nd International Chess Tournament "AL-BERUNIY" (Masters)

Last update 11.02.2025 11:26:35, Creator/Last Upload: Skychess

Starting rank list of players

2GMArtemiev, Vladislav24101605FID2691
8GMSargsyan, Shant13306766ARM2660
4GMMurzin, Volodar44155573FID2657
9GMMa, Qun8603154CHN2645
10GMMartirosyan, Haik M.13306553ARM2645
7GMSjugirov, Sanan4189302HUN2643
5GMAbdisalimov, Abdimalik14206323UZB2533
3GMMadaminov, Mukhiddin14210703UZB2521
6IMNigmatov, Ortik14202131UZB2505
1WIMKhamdamova, Afruza14210444UZB2354