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Format: Standard 75m+30s
Champion: $2000 + Medal + Free entry to Mar-Apr edition
1st runner up: $1500 + Medal
2nd runner up: $1000 + Medal
U8, U10, U12 Champion: Framed Certificate

KCA Standard Open 2025 (FIDE Rated) Jan - Feb

Última actualización28.02.2025 15:32:35, Propietario/Última carga: Kidult C Academy

Search for player Buscar

Cuadro cruzado por clasificación después de la ronda 7

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1FMLam Daniel King Wai2094HKG 15w1 5b1 17w1 3b½ 12w1 4b½5,50430
2Chiu David Zion1822HKG 18b1 12w0 4b1 8w1 3b0 10w1 5b150528
3Zhang Chi1850HKG 20w1 8b1 12b1 1w½ 2w1 -050431,5
4Lopez De Anda Edgar1759USA 21w1 9b1 2w0 10b½ 8w1 12b1 1w½50427
5FMHo In Hei Henry1790HKG 16b1 1w0 6b1 20w1 9b1 2w04,50429,5
6Chiu Silas Nathaniel1638HKG 17w0 22b1 5w0 7b½ 20w1 19b1 11w14,50423,5
7Chong Jake1410HKG 8w0 20b0 13b1 6w½ 18b1 14w1 12b+4,50422,5
8Hon Zig Zeth1716HKG 7b1 3w0 11w1 2b0 4b0 21w1 13w140427,5
9Lee Ka Po1425HKG 13b1 4w0 15w1 10b1 5w0 -03,50327,5
10Lo Jason Jun-San1604HKG -0 16w1 14b1 4w½ 9w0 2b0 17b13,50327
11Or Lincoln0HKG -0 18w1 8b0 16b½ 21w1 17b+ 6b03,50323
12Chen Kyle1755HKG 24w+ 2b1 3w0 17b+ 1b0 4w0 7w-30331,5
13AFMMahadevan Aravind1619HKG 9w0 19b0 7w0 22b1 23w1 20b+ 8b030320,5
14Chan Chi Ngo0HKG -1 17b0 10w0 21b½ 16w1 7b0 15w½30223
15Ho Nok Hang Jonathan1613HKG 1b0 21w1 9b0 -0 23w1 14b½30221,5
16Lau Wai Hei1484HKG 5w0 10b0 23b1 11w½ 14b0 18w1 19w½30221
17Miridonova Vasilisa1799RUS 6b1 14w1 1b0 12w- 11w- 10w02,50228,5
18WCMAnandpara Jayendra Saloni1611HKG 2w0 11b0 22w½ 19b1 7w0 16b0 23b12,50221,5
19Pang Maximus0HKG -0 13w1 20b0 18w0 22b1 6w0 16b½2,50221,5
20Xiong Weilin1599HKG 3b0 7w1 19w1 5b0 6b0 13w- -020228
21Lu Bingyang1539SGP 4b0 23w1 15b0 14w½ 11b0 8b0 22w½20121,5
22Yeo Ren Jie Aidan0HKG -0 6w0 18b½ 13w0 19w0 -1 21b½20119,5
23Yeo Ren Kai Declan0HKG -0 21b0 16w0 -1 13b0 15b0 18w010119
24ACMQian Tsz Man Ryan1470HKG 12b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000017,5
25Tang Po Man1660HKG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000017,5

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Number of wins including byes (WIN) (Forfeited games count)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)