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Sv. Peter FINALE 2024

Last update 28.12.2024 21:07:41, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1 
11MKVidic, MihaSLO2137ŠD Piran936,00
28IIVrecek, MatejSLO1651ŠD Izola6,521,75
32IIHandzic, RamizSLO1827ŠD Piran619,50
47IMilunovic, VladoSLO1849ŠD Piran5,517,00
510IIIMedovic, AlenSLO1563ŠD Piran517,00
63IIPloc, AlbertSLO1540ŠD Piran411,75
79Djordjevic, AleksandarSLO0ŠD Piran3,513,75
84Mavric, LorisSLO0ŠS Sv. Peter37,25
95IIVidic, MarjanSLO1535ŠD Izola1,52,50
106IIIForte, JanezSLO1000ŠD Piran13,50

Tie Break1: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)