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Frederick Cameron Open 2024 Under 1700 Section

Seinast dagført15.12.2024 22:55:24, Creator/Last Upload: Christopher Anthony Davis

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1Smith, Krishmar7412266JAM1664
2Davy, Khalel7408013JAM1630
3Leake, Emilia-Rose7407238JAM1598
4Gali, Vaishnav7408102JAM1537
5Logan, Liam7407190JAM1532
6Foster, Deshawn7403259JAM1521
7Shergil, Rajvir7408196JAM1479
8Moses, Kayla7407076JAM1429
9Patel, Elisha7408021JAM1400
10Scott, Tommy Lee7412304JAM1200
11Allen, Joelston7410921JAM0
12Campbell, Jaydion7408030JAM0
13Carson, BrianardoJAM0
14Fugerson, RogeJAM0
15Gordon, Micah7409117JAM0
16Green, Moses7406266JAM0
17Hamilton, Jeraine7410379JAM0
18Henry, Rushawn7410956JAM0
19Jones, David7407360JAM0
20Lewis, KemarcoJAM0
21Mais, JothamJAM0
22Palmer, Melieka7403410JAM0
23Rhone, Tisha7411278JAM0
24Rose, Damaro7410980JAM0
25Shaw, Christopher7412258JAM0
26Spence, Jovani7409109JAM0