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BLITZ KING 3X3 COMPETITION Average Team 1950 Below

Last update 16.12.2024 01:29:30, Creator/Last Upload: byrongvillar

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
116Team Atabs76101318073,5
22Team NCAA Boys75111115,5081
34Tira Tira Sampaloc A75111113,5088
414Team Larry Dumadag 2-Bayanihan Chess Club75111113,5078
520DLS-CSB (College)74211014,5073
6234MCS Chess Club Team 275021014078,5
76Antipolo City Youth Chess Club Inc. Team A7412913,5082
810Antipolo City Youth Chess Club Inc. Team B7412912,5078,5
91Target Locked7322813,5088,5
1013KPJ (HS)7403812,5076
1121Threefold Thinkers7403811,5062,5
1211RiChessMasters (Company)7403811074,5
1328Tryco Pharma (Company)7403810,5069
143Brgy. Malamig-Bayanihan Chess Club740388094
1554MCS Chess Club Team 17313712,5068
1619Team Larry Dumadag 17313711,5084
1715Batasan Chess Club7313710,5080,5
189Tira Tira Sampaloc 17313710085,5
197Team Jobert and Friends (College)7313710081
208Team Gwapo7313710080,5
21174MCS Chess Club Team 37223610,5061,5
2227BOSS JOJO7304610071,5
2322AC Global (Company)722369,5075
2431IBCS Team 1 (HS)730469050,5
2530Team Circa Chess Club722368,5278,5
2624Data Chess Club730468,5071
2729Team MSG (College)7214511,5060
2826Marvel Fighter721457,5077,5
2912Team Gregory V720549069,5
3025Team Nabuo Lang-Batasan Chess Club720547,5067,5
3118Team Guapito720547261,5
3233Manager and Friends720547055,5
3332IBCS Team 2 (HS)710624059,5
3434Team Dela Cruz700700056,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)