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CSC Junior Grand Prix Finals 2024 - U10

Last update 01.12.2024 16:56:34, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Starting rank list of players

10Helsby, Matthew343410936ENG15161584Lewisham
4Kulibaev, Richard343406050ENG14091274Wallace Chess
2De Boer, Willem343427251ENG14791270Barnet Knights
6Karlmarx, Sarwayogan343431011ENG01261Wanstead
3Maenaka, KosukeENG01111London Nw *
8Bednaya, Julia343432930ENG01109wBarnet Juniors
5Yedid, Elise343408419ENG01083wEdgware Gambits
1Alsop, Oscar343450342ENG0898Epsca
7Nagirna, ElizabethENG0817wSutton/Cheam *
9Benhamou, IlanENG0706Harrow