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Last update 30.11.2024 19:46:39, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Rank after Round 4

Rk.SNoNameRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
14Dhyenne Chrystiellen Dos Santo, Correa01879Curitiba - CXC - CLUBE DE XADREZ DE407844
213Gustavo, Kamer01804Sem clube3,50,58933,6
31Miguel Abner Neves, Gomes16951978Paranaguá - EQUIPE ESCOLTA3,50,58933,4
43Maicon Brain Pereira, Ribeiro01948COLÉGIO ESTADUAL ELZA SCHERNEER MOR30910,533
510Cristopher Lacerda Lima, Da Silva01817Lapa - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL CÍVICO MILI306,5833
625, Matheus de Paiva Alves00306,57,533
75Erick Da Silva, Barboza01855Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFESS2,50,589,522,6
812Joao Vitor Fernandes, Rudniak01805Curitiba - C.E C.M. YVONE PIMENTEL2,50,57822,4
98Gustavo Andriel Cardoso, De Souza01841Curitiba - C.E C.M. YVONE PIMENTEL209,51122
109Paulo William De Lima, Pereira01822Curitiba - CE PROTASIO DE CARVALHO208,5922
112Henrique Oltmann, Candido15031964COLÉGIO SESI INTERNACIONAL207,58,522
126Leticia De Paula, Guimaraes01853Araucária - COC BILÍNGUE207822
1314Amanda Vitoria Palczuk Saraiva, Franco01803COLÉGIO ESTADUAL ELZA SCHERNEER MOR206,5722
1420Isabelly Roman De Almeida, Pioker01767São José dos Pinhais - EQUIPE ESCOL206722
1522Nicole Mayumi, Ito01752Sem Clube205,5622
1617Edson Kaua De Melo, Marreiro01781Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFESS204,55,522
1715Raul Henrique De Souza, Da Silva01800Curitiba - C.E C.M. YVONE PIMENTEL1,50,57811,6
1823Mellina Marques, Borges01737Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL DR XAVI1,50,567,511,4
1916Victoria Marques, Borges01793Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL DR XAVI109,51111
2019Luiz Miguel Melo, Lisovski01769Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFESS107,58,511
217Antonio Augusto Board, Faga01841Curitiba - C.E C.M. YVONE PIMENTEL106,57,511
2218Rayane Paula, De Souza01781COLÉGIO ESTADUAL ELZA SCHERNEER MOR1067,511
2324Heloisa Ferreira, Rocha01729Lapa - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL ANTÔNIO LAC1066,511
2421Lucas De Souza, Germano01766Curitiba - COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFESS105511
2526, Luiz Felipe Schneider00104,55,511
2611Matheus, Cavalcante01811Paranaguá - APEXPAR006700

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Number of wins including byes (WIN)
Tie Break5: Arranz System (Win:1 / Draw: 0.6 black, 0.4 white, lost: 0)