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XIII Juegos Deportivos Magisteriales Nicaraguenses Femenino

Senast uppdaterad15.11.2024 19:33:07, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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1Briones Herrera, Ana YolvanyNCA0Esteli
2Castellon Betanco, Ileana KarolinaNCA0Zelaya Central
3Garcia, Karen MariselaNCA0RACCS
4Herrera Herrera, Darsi DamarisNCA0Jinotega
5Huerta Flores, Ana BelNCA0Matagalpa
6Lopez Romero, Arlen SamantaNCA0Masaya
7Martinez Garcia, Vivian EsthelaNCA0Chinandega
8Matute, Ligia del carmenNCA0Madriz
9Medina Urbina, Maria LissethNCA0Leon
10Mejia Velasquez, EsmirnaNCA0Las Minas
11Nicoya Jimenes, Jimena CamilaNCA0Carazo
12Richard Salinas, Darli EstelaNCA0RACCN
13Rodriguez Mena, YaritzaNCA0Rio San Juan