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West Wales Major

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.11.2024 18:56:58, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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1Di-Vetta, AndrewWLS1830
2Sharharadsky, YaroslavWLS1830
3Harford, JamesWLS1828
4Choo Yin, KamWLS1823
5Williams, DaveWLS1785
6Williams, JohnWLS1773
7Parri, DeioWLS1751
8Whitehouse, EvanWLS1750
9Hurn, RobertWLS1731
10Anandkumar, GovindWLS1719
11Zheng, LucasWLS1709
12Archibald, McKenzieWLS1707
13Philpin, LesWLS1701
14Probert, MalcolmWLS1700
15Jenkins, RogerWLS1696
16Nasir, FarouqWLS1654
17Daniel, ElijahWLS1392