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2nd Jurassic Rapidplay

Last update 16.11.2024 18:12:19, Creator/Last Upload: Devonchess

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Round 1 on 2024/11/16 at 10:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
110Fox, Tim15190 0 - 10 Hampton, Paul Dj21451
22Waddington, Mike P20320 1 - 00 Joslin, Elliot146611
312Hurt, Trevor14280 0 - 10 Talab, Rami20043
44Underwood, Jonathan Wr19760 1 - 00 Perchard, Barry142813
514Welch, Hazel13830 0 - 10 Dean, Steve K18185
66Pittman, Frank J17290 1 - 00 Cubbon, Robin J138115
716Swaine, Lucas12910 0 - 10 Booth, Zander16967
88Stenton, Anthony16290 1 - 00 Goody, Les127417
99Lundin, Terje15430 1 bye 
1018Savage, Simon11720 ½ not paired