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Laerskool Midvaal Rapid 16 Nov 24 - Section E U08 & U10 (born 2015 & later)

Last update 16.11.2024 13:19:53, Creator/Last Upload: Marius Kruger

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Starting rank

1Finnemore, Ewan115030687414881488GJM
2Malilani, Atinatsa David116030014814711471GSV
3Tshoeu, Bogosi116015831514551455GSV
4Abdul, Muhammed Ayaan117015831113921392GSV
5Jansen Van Vuren, Reuben117030209513381338GSV
6Myburgh, Alex115014201413251325GSV
7Mollo, Tlotlisang116031115611851185GSV
8Bosman, Nathan Dean116015945711681168GSV
9Botes, Michael Prinslo116030012911581158GSV
10Strydom, Graceson116030157511481148GSV
11Kruger, Barend116015867011031103GSV