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National High Schools Chess Championships 2024/25 - Zone 3(A)

Sidst opdateret 25.11.2024 02:42:06, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Slut placering efter 6 runder

Rk.SNrHoldPartier  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Green Island High School A-Team66001221,50
22Cornwall College A-Team64119180
35Manning's School B-Team6303613,50
49Holland High School A-Team62226130
510Munro College B-Team53026120
67The Heinz Simonitsch School A-Team52036110
74Maggotty High School A-Team621359,50
83Green Island High School C-Team620448,50
98The Heinz Simonitsch School C-Team5014370
106Mount Alvernia High School B-Team3012360

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints