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Academia Caissa - Blitz Viernes 08-11-2024

Last update 09.11.2024 20:09:28, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION NACIONAL DE AJEDREZ DE CHILE

Starting rank list of players

1Vigil, Lucas115045CHI2098Club De Ajedrez Academia Caissa
4Chavez Dinamarca, Bastian3409511CHI2009Club Chess Maipu
3Lacoste, Pablo198854ARG1686Club de Ajedrez Academia Caissa
2Cisterna Bastias, Belen3457028CHI1381Club Instituto Chileno De Ajed
5Gonzalez, ManuelCHI0Club de Ajedrez Academia Caissa
6Pizarro, IvanCHI0Club de Ajedrez Academia Caissa