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Joint Karimnagar District Zonal Chess Under -14 Boys Tournament - 2024

Last update 07.11.2024 12:23:52, Creator/Last Upload: B S Chess Academy

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Starting rank

1Aman, Ram Balasankula429024269IND1501Karimnagr
2Chittumalla, Kashyap429023963IND1487Karimnagr
3Likith, Manikyarao88102955IND1476Karimnagr
4Sardar, Manveer Singh33365687IND1429Karimnagr
5Abhiram P,IND0Peddapally
6Adithya V,IND0Peddapally
7Karthikeya G,IND0Peddapally
8Maha Sri Hashwith,IND0Jagtial
9Raja Shekar A,IND0Jagtial
10Rishwanth K,IND0Jagtial
11Ruthvik T,IND0Jagtial
12Ruthwik D,IND0Peddapally
13Sai Srigan B,IND0Siricilla
14Sannihith A,IND0Siricilla
15Srihan B,IND0Karimnagr
17Vishnu D,IND0Peddapally
18Vishvak Sai T,IND0Jagtial