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Pavia Municipal Meet 2024 Chess Elementary Girls - BLITZ EVENT

Last update 07.11.2024 07:01:18, Creator/Last Upload: P&G Arbiters

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Starting rank

1JANOLINO, Rejanna LauricePHI1512Unit 1
2GUPETEO, Leighton5270405PHI1425Unit 1
3ASTORGA, Cassandra LouisPHI0Unit 3
4BELGA, JanelPHI0Unit 2
5BELGA, Paullen JoyPHI0Unit 2
6DEL NORTE, Krislyn NicholePHI0Unit 3
7ESPINO, Tatiana AlodiaPHI0Unit 5
8GOBUYAN, Ana GeraldinePHI0Unit 4
9MARQUILLERO, Mary ShalomPHI0Unit 4
10PAGUNTALAN, Miah GaelPHI0Unit 5