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Last update 09.11.2024 14:58:32, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

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Starting rank

1Šlégl, Jakub23767987CZE1485
2Volf, Felix23768029CZE1473
3Svoboda, Ondřej23745630CZE1395
4Vacek, Ondřej23768010CZE1332
5Winkler, Bernard23751398CZE1259
6Marek, AntonínCZE1197
7Sikora, Jakub23747862CZE1175
8Červeň, AlešCZE1126
9Rutšek, Matěj23771909CZE1115
10Novák, RostislavCZE1089
11Draslar, DominikCZE0
12Hrazdira, Vojtěch Jan23747692CZE0
13Lenhart, KryštofCZE0
14Oláhová, Blanka23767960CZE0
15Sokoly, TomášCZE0