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Last update 03.11.2024 18:16:46, Creator/Last Upload: Club de Ajedrez Loreto Chess

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Starting rank

1Valderrama Castel, Jeffrey Franchesco3884031PER1635
2Cueva Quispe, Angel3847926PER1634
3Coronado Carrion, Teddy Francisco3887952PER1608
4Arevalo Tito, Diego Andre3887928PER1582
5Lagos Saez, Manuel Sadot81404280PER1443
6Guzman Soto, Paolo Salvador3887596PER1439
7Calla Pinedo, Carlos Fabian81406584PER1406
8Benites Atias, Amara Mia De Guadalupe81414358PER0
9Davila Rivero, Lionel Caleb81439083PER0
10Otiniano Leon, Avril Luana81431295PER0