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TOTAL CASH PRIZE - 31000 + 75 Trophies
Without TNSCA ID Players wont be allowed to participate players must send TNSCA ID before round 1

UNDER 15 - 8th PCC State Level Open and Children Chess Tournament Round 1 Starts by 9.30 A.M Sharp

Last update 02.11.2024 11:10:43, Creator/Last Upload: merryston David scanny

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Starting rank

1Vinishaa, A33319022IND1488
2Sri, Ramalakshmi R88118495IND1484
3Edwin, Joshva W33318719IND1450
4Mano, Mariappan88152235IND1447
5Jeshur, Manuel Raj J33469350IND1433
6Navin, K S88155790IND1401
7Aaron, KIND0Kanyakumari
8Aryapillai M,IND0
9Edward Simeon P,IND0
10Jesitha, RIND0Tnv
11Kiruthick Venthan,IND0
12Kiruthick, Venthan MIND0
13Lacshitha M,IND0
14Reena P,IND0
15Sam, Sathish S88152405IND0
17Tawfeeqa, S25967592IND0Tirunelveli