Organizer(s) | Ernesto Guevara Batista Reis |
Federation | Brazil ( BRA ) |
Tournament director | Marcos de Sousa Silveira |
Chief Arbiter | [2103427] AI Maximo Igor Macedo |
Deputy Chief Arbiter | [22705244] AN Clodomiro Leite e [2125420] AF Westerley Campos |
Arbiter | [22720464] RA Ana Clara Melo da Silva, [22704531] ... All arbiters |
Time control (Standard) | 90 min.+30 seg. em relógio digital ou 120 min. em relogio analogico |
Location | Grand Bittar Hotel, SHS Q. 5 Bloco B -
Setor Hoteleiro Sul |
Number of rounds | 9 |
Tournament type | Swiss-System |
Rating calculation | Rating national, Rating international |
Date | 2025/01/07 to 2025/01/12 |
Rating-Ø / Average age | 1835 / 33 |
Pairing program | Swiss-Manager from Heinz Herzog, Swiss-Manager tournamentfile |
Last update 12.01.2025 22:04:39, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez
Tournament selection | Brasília Open - Clássico, Brasília Open - Rápido, Brasília Open - Blitz |
Links | Official Homepage of the Organizer, Livegames, Link with tournament calendar |
Parameters | No tournament details |
Overview for team | BRA, PAR |
Overview for groups | AL, BA, DF, GO, MG, MS, PA, PB, PI, PR, RJ, RO, SC, SP |
Lists | Starting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule |
| Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable |
Board Pairings | Rd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9/9 , not paired |
Ranking list after | Rd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9 |
Games | There are 184 games available for download |
Excel and Print | Export to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes |
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