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Guam School Championship Under 13

Վերջին արդիացում27.10.2024 11:30:19, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Alford, Alexander0Saint Anthony Catholic School
2Balicha, Jian Matthew0Astumbo Middle School
3Camacho, Noelle0Harvest Christian Academy
4Caraig, Caius0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
5Casin, Jimrey0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
6Chattaraj, Aranyam0SIFA
7Crowder, Milo0Island Homeschoolers of Guam
8Dewan, Aryan0Saint Anthony Catholic School
9Diaz, Atticus0Saint Anthony Catholic School
10Galang, Luke Nathanael0Saint Anthony Catholic School
11Javelosa, Jayce Caleb0SIFA
12Kim, Seungyoo0St John's Episcopal School
13Lacson, Rikka0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
14Lee, Jade0Saint Anthony Catholic School
15Matanane, Jayden0Saint Anthony Catholic School
16Nera, Ronnie0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
17Panzo, Jezreel0Luis P Untalan Middle School
18Paule, Ava0St. Anthony
19Peralta, Emyr0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
20Quejadas, Jay-Ar0Astumbo Middle School
21Roldan, Caleb0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
22Sanchez, Lance0SIFA
23Santiago, Vino0SIFA
24Smith Jr, Steven0Andersen Middle School
25Timbang, Adrian0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
26Z Benitez, Avi0St. John
27Z1 Balayo, Vino0