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2024-10-18 Andalus Chess Club Seniors Weekly Chess Tournament

Senast uppdaterad18.10.2024 17:15:33, Creator/Last Upload: Anthony Pelayo

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1(B) Dado, CagampanPHI0
2(B) Ely, MariscotesPHI0
3(B) Rene, CostalesPHI0
4(C) Archie, CarreonPHI0
5(C) Lou, FelisidaPHI0
6(D) Ajinkya Vaman, KhorjuenkarIND0
7(D) Dhruva, RoyIND0
8(D) Farooz, BalooshiPAK0
9(D) Fred, SacmanPHI0
10(D) Michael, TemporasPHI0