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54° Festival “Città di Torino” - Open A (>= 2000)

Last update 06.01.2025 13:39:06, Creator/Last Upload: SST

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1IMBarp, Alberto872555ITA2444
2FMCarnicelli, Valerio856185ITA2362
3FMUstianovich, Nazar14109778SUI2314
4Montorsi, Matteo2826491ITA2195
5Madiai, Federico836230ITA2193
6Costache, Andrei Eugeniu42206057ROU2076
7Bergero, Simone888117ITA2074
8Bringas Osuna, Ivan Jarek5111315MEX2067
9Lizzul Coppe, Mirko2809716ITA2065
10Garbezza, Davide2813233ITA2050
11Lo Gatto, Riccardo2851976ITA2046
12Gioseffi, Massimiliano817228ITA2017
13Gola, Giorgio2835911ITA2015
14Sorcinelli, Francesco814466ITA1999
15Catalano, Leonardo2830383ITA1931