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Lambertsbaai Prestige tournament A section

Last update 18.10.2024 10:39:35, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Kriel, ZaydonRSA1405
2Ellman, Anne-BelleRSA1370
3Cloete, JaydenRSA1319
4Lombaard, JadrinRSA1302
5Soshola, DiegoRSA1237
6Beukes, Hen-LeeRSA1212
7Boks, AnvorRSA1207
8Ellman, AndriesRSA1203
9Mabeba, ModiriRSA1199
10Rhode, ChrismasRSA1174
11Engelbrecht, NoahRSA1160
12Ellman, Elle-MarieRSA1137
13Evans, TheoRSA0