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Campionat Menorca SUB-1750 - 2024

Last update 21.12.2024 20:16:16, Creator/Last Upload: DelegaciĆ³n de Menorca

not paired

15Blesa Picazo, Alonso0ESPbye***
16Capafons Sintes, Luis0ESP****
17Febrer Pons, Gabriel0ESP*
6Florit Florit, Fernando1553ESP*
18Maceda Sanchez, Alfonso0ESP**
19Marin Puerta, Santiago Estiven0ESP*
21Martinez Torrent, Adria0ESPbye***
22Moll Villalonga, Sara0ESP**
25Pons Ameller, Eric0ESP*
26Pons Bosch, Marc0ESP*
27Pons Fullana, Lluc0ESPbye*
28Pons Marti, Laura0ESP*bye
14Pons Tuduri, Jose1434ESP**
29Pons Villalonga, Sergi0ESPbye*
8Rodriguez Sanchez, Ivan1492ESP*
31Rodriguez Sanchez, Laura0ESPbye*
32Rojo Anchiraico, Adria0ESP*
33Rotger Ameller, Inaki0ESP*
4Tuduri Pons, Pedro1577ESP**