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2024 Frances Baard Open 6.0 Under 17 & Under 19

Last update 05.10.2024 17:05:24, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Ahjum, KristenRSA1531
2De Jager, JaydenRSA1423
3Du Plooy, JoshuaRSA1390
4Franzman, ReganRSA1265
5Yokwana, YamkelaniRSA1195
6Seeta, MampoetsiRSA1185
7Fritz, NaykitaRSA1172
8Gene-April, KeeranRSA1172
9Jones, ThandiswaRSA1149
10Badenhorst, JenileeRSA1118
11Van Aswegen, JuandreRSA0