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Strategema Chess October 2024 Open

Last update 05.10.2024 17:55:18, Creator/Last Upload: Susan Mittermaier

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Starting rank

1Liebenberg, FrederickRSA1552
2Davids, Jo-WayneRSA1448
3Tiemie, JaheimRSA1378
4Richter, HeinrichRSA1355
5Isaacs, WilliamRSA1347
6Davel, MarchandRSA1297
7Van Wyk, IgshaanRSA1295
8Johannes, LlewellynRSA1275
9Maxwell, TristanRSA1259
10Swarts, KuhwinRSA1229
11Borrins, Abdur-RahmaanRSA1203
12Stevens, NormanRSA1195
13Klue, Christiaan ReueRSA1162
14Conradie, AbramRSA1158
15Bresler, ConradRSA1147
16Smuts, GerritRSA1000