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II. Sáncoló Hajdúk Rapid Sakkverseny "C" csoport

Last update 13.10.2024 21:35:29, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 1

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Starting rank

1Czibere, DenesHUN788Balmazujvaros, HSE
2Papp, GergelyHUN759Debrecen
3Jenei, Peter Natan17030706HUN733NYESE
4Jonizs, DavidHUN656HSE
5Zolnai, MihalyHUN656HSE
6Asztalos, Julianna17021243HUN650NYESE
7Kedves, Arven Zoja17019303HUN644HSE
8Molnar, AntalHUN604HSE
9Paul, Denes ZalanHUN600Szerencs
10Ekes, Kristof17031834HUN593Fehergyarmat
11Szabados, NandorHUN593HSE
12Bodo, MarcellHUN564Mateszalka
13Varga, AntalHUN542HSE
14Sipos, BoldizsarHUN518Mateszalka
15Martin, KrisztianHUN400Ermihalyfalva