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Esfahan City Chess Championship U10 (girl )- 1403

Last update 04.10.2024 09:32:26, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 84)

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Starting rank

1Niknejadi, Samin36769886IRI1417
2Abbasi, MahvinIRI0
3Ahmadi, Zahrasadat428064666IRI0
4Eskandari, RozhanIRI0
5Jangravi, Benita428079388IRI0
6Karami, Raha42755069IRI0
7Kazemi, NazaninIRI0
8Mohammadi, Viana36793981IRI0
9Sharifi Fard, LiyaIRI0
10Sheikhi, SarinaIRI0