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IV Детски турнир "ТУИДА" Сливен 29.09.2024, валиден за FIDE rating - A група, with the assistance of BSCF

Last update 29.09.2024 16:04:49, Creator/Last Upload: 2908557 Ochkov, Radoslav

Starting rank list of players

3Zhelev, Momchil2956969BULU141628
4ACMGrozev, Nikola2953773BULU161495
6Damyanov, Damyan2943018BULU141483
5Georgiev, Teodor2955121BULU141463
2Ochkova, Maria2944545BULU141424
7Demirev, Pavlin2966336BULU160
8Dimitrov, Miroslav B.2957779BULU160
1Moldovanov, Radoslav2966344BULU160