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TNSCA Player Registration Is Compulsory For All Players.(2024-2025)Registration Fee Rs.150/- Only
TDCA Registration is compulsory For All Trichy District Player (2024-2025) Registration Fee Rs.75/- Only

U 25 GIRLS iMacs 3rd State Level Chess Tournament

Last update 29.09.2024 14:30:27, Creator/Last Upload: Sundar R J.

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Starting rank

1Nikitha, VIND1426TRY
2Gayathri, M33482772IND1404TRY
3Bharathi, TIND0NAM
4Charvi Sree Yadav,IND0TRY
6Dheeksha, SIND0TRY
7Ponnarasi, VIND0RAM
8Poornima, KIND0MDU
9Preetha, Idumban48722014IND0TRY
10Rishika, TIND0TRY
11Rubhasri, KIND0TRY
12Samiksha, Shree S88114260IND0TRY
13Sukaina, SIND0