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Open Rapid 26- 09-2024 by A.C.C. ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΟ : 5 ΕΥΡΩ

Last update 26.09.2024 19:56:05, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Gkekos, Ioannis42131227GRE1899
2Giannoulis, Ilias4254244GRE1836
3Samaras, Georgios4239458GRE1833
4Dallas, Nikolaos Alexandros25898787GRE1778
5Moxham, Caspar3249654AUS1753
6Bourdakis, Stavros4210980GRE1745
7Sparos, Orfeas25812386GRE1643
8Apostolou, AlexandrosGRE0
9Elbank, OmerISR0
10Keren, InbalISR0
11Sheinberg, TomerISR0
12Twito, YarinISR0