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The 17th LSH

Last update 29.09.2024 13:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
14KOO, Ryan Gyeong MoNZL17835,5515,520,5
23PARK, SihooKOR17905516,522
38MEIYAZHAGAN, KaviinayanKOR1716441924,5
49HAN, YongsuKOR16504416,521,5
510KIM, KwansooKOR16464414,518,5
61LEE, DongseobKOR1852431621,5
77CHOI, HyunbinKOR17313,521518
830LEE, OnbinKOR16813,5214,518
96JANG, SeojunKOR17423,5213,517,5
1012KWON, JihooKOR16383316,522
1123CHO, MinjaeKOR03314,518,5
1224CHUNG, YeseoKOR0331317
1314GIM, HajinKOR15723312,516,5
1426KIM, Dohyun DKOR0331115
155KIM, Kunhoo AlexanderKOR1778321722
1611LEE, Donghyun CKOR16403115,519,5
1716LEE, YuleKOR15312,5212,516
1813KIM, JunhwanKOR16122,5211,517
1927KIM, JihunKOR02,521014
2018KIM, JunesunGUM1523221419
212SUNG, JaehyunCAN1799221418
2220HUR, JiyuKOR1491221317
2329LEE, SionKOR02210,514,5
2415KIM, Taei AKOR15701,5112,516,5
2521JANG, SeungwooKOR14711,519,513
2617OCK, SeungheonKOR1529111316
2719AHN, JunminKOR1515111116,5
2822JOI, WoojooKOR1470111115
2928LEE, JisungKOR00011,514,5
3025JEON, SangmokKOR0001014

Tie Break1: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)