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Dhading District Level Chess Championship - 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 23.09.2024 07:39:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Štartová listina

1Malla, Rameshwor12329118NEP1674
2Shrestha, Tara Man12315982NEP1635
3Amgain, Khem PrasadNEP0
4Hamal, RameshNEP0
5Kadel, PrasiddhaNEP0
6Kafle, DeependraNEP0
7Koirala, ManishNEP0
8Lama, NirajuNEP0
9Lama, SabinNEP0
10Lamichhane, ArjabiNEP0
11Nepal, NirajNEP0
12Pandey, SidarthaNEP0
13Rai, NawarajNEP0
14Rimal, RajendraNEP0
15Shrestha, RomanNEP0
16Thapa, DeepakNEP0
17Thapa, JeevanNEP0
18Upreti, SadikshyaNEP0