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Centurion Chess Open Tournament U08

Last update 21.09.2024 12:21:10, Creator/Last Upload: Hanri Engelbrecht

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Starting rank

1Tak, Abeer14396718RSA1435
2Bekker, JacobusRSA1395
3Ramonyai, MbhekeniRSA1334
4Fischer, ErnstRSA1313
5Van Eeden, CilliersRSA1307
6Kgwale, KeratilweRSA1256
7Simao, RaulRSA1255
8Brink, JaydenRSA1246
9Sikhuza, MmušiRSA1186
10Ackerman, JanluRSA0
11Marais, DaniƫlRSA0
12Wilson, NoahRSA0