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3rd Cornwall Autumn Congress 2024 Major U1850

Last update 22.09.2024 18:49:49, Creator/Last Upload: Bude Chess

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Starting rank

1Stinton-Brownbridge, Michael H157349ENG1830Plymouth
2Little, Cameron J245164ENG1817Welwyn Hatfield Chess Forum
3Morrison, John V185366ENG1805Exeter
4O'Gorman, Brendan116382ENG1803Dhss
5Jenkins, David J286751ENG1800Camborne
6Thomas, Roy255545WLS18004ncl The Full Ponty
7Ingham, H William173310ENG1787Teignmouth
8Cawston, M John104806ENG1775Ye Olde Starre Inne
9Coldwell, Matthew297510ENG1768Salisbury
10Rundle, Anthony345142ENG1760Cornwall *
11Pemberton, David231118ENG1759Calstock
12Burton, Ronnie107763ENG1746Weymouth
13Sellwood, Colin118692ENG1735Camborne
14Gill, Percy Tp111239ENG1723Camborne
15Marston, Alastair Jd114982ENG1722Bristol Cabot
16Kirkman, Nigel J128104ENG1718Calstock
17Williams, Dave J224953WLS1647Malpas (Gwent)
18Panneerselvam, Marshall361074ENG1642Taunton
19Galloway, James H255997ENG1628Camborne
20Hurt, Trevor316056ENG1621South Hams
21Dornan, Joe351724ENG1585Devon *
22Curry, Adam355160ENG1499Exeter En Peasants
23Probert, Malcolm A174868WLS1495White Knights (Wales)