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Last update 21.09.2024 22:42:30, Creator/Last Upload: Legend321!

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Starting rank

1Moses, Kayla7407076JAM1523
2Coe, Cameron7403046JAM1518
3Shergil, Ronak7405014JAM1485
4Logan, Liam7407190JAM1434
5Atkins, Janiya7408285JAM0
6Edwards, AlexJAM0
7James, Josh-Anthony7411693JAM0
8Lewis, Kemarco7403593JAM0
9Nadavaluru, Krishna7410387JAM0
10Peart, Zaiden7407521JAM0
11Prince, Maleek7406916JAM0
12Rhone, Tisha7411278JAM0
13Spaulding, Pia-KaiJAM0
14Yankana, Danielle7406690JAM0