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IRT Campeonato Distrital de ajedrez Rapido Sub14 Absoluto

Senast uppdaterad11.09.2024 07:02:06, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Naranjo Torres, Miguel Andres144433557COL1753Kallpa
2Castellanos Acero, Simon144433514COL1863Chaturanga
3Avila Gil, Miguel Angel144442912COL1694Kallpa
4Torres Hernandez, Deivy Santiago4498968COL1682Kallpa
5Layton Pena, Alvaro Alejandro4499751COL1647Deporte Mental
6Melo Jimenez, Juan Manuel144433549COL1466Deporte Mental
7Palacios Rodriguez, Juan Jose144431171COL1493Ludika
8Bernal Penaranda, Oliver144445601COL0Codema
9Cabezas Cruz, Miguel Angel144445571COL0Kallpa
10Guzman, Alejandro144445610COL0Kallpa
11Molina Rodriguez, Adrian Enrique144439610COL0Deporte Mental