Last update 08.09.2024 04:58:43, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Tournament selectionSub 6-8, Sub 10, Sub 12, Abierta
Parameters Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
Overview for teamATL, BOL, MAG, VAL
Overview for groupsAbierta
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Board PairingsRd.1/7 , not paired
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Player overview for MAG

20Mendoza Beltran Luis Angel0MAG020Sub 10
19Narvaez Miranda Samuel Enrique0MAG019Sub 12
20Navarro Castilla Samuel Andrés0MAG020Sub 12
27Rodriguez Chiquillo Enoc Yeshuah0MAG027Sub 12
29Rodriguez Lafaurie Juan Felipe0MAG029Sub 12
1Pinedo Fernandez David Rebey1716MAG01Abierta
3Trujillo Infante Ines Maria1681MAG03Abierta
4Gutierrez Torres Samuel David1647MAG04Abierta
11Ruiz Amaya Valeria Saray1530MAG011Abierta
16San Juan Morales Alan Mathias1694MAG016Abierta
18Melnichuk Savva1600MAG018Abierta
22Suarez Rodriguez Tomas Alemao1517MAG022Abierta
23Morales Parejo Melanny Sofia1514MAG023Abierta
32Chamorro Cuello Juan Diego1460MAG032Abierta
35Velasquez Cuevas Joshua David1457MAG035Abierta
39Ferreira Mendoza Luis Mathias1437MAG039Abierta
40Rizo Lopez Angel David1430MAG040Abierta
44Chaves Mendieta Alejandro1400MAG044Abierta
46Herrera Morales Samuel1400MAG046Abierta
49Pertuz Robles Santiago Jose1400MAG049Abierta
53Suarez Rodriguez David Alejandro1400MAG053Abierta
63Cesar Acosta Christian Alejandro0MAG063Abierta
65Corpas Barriga Said0MAG065Abierta
69Mendoza Brltran Mario Andres0MAG069Abierta
70Navarro Castilla Pedro Jose0MAG070Abierta
71Nino Escobar Juan Jose0MAG071Abierta
73Ortega Cabana Luis Mario0MAG073Abierta
81Vesga Angulo Jose Antonio0MAG1081Abierta

Pairings of the next round for MAG

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
1420Mendoza Beltran Luis Angel 00 0 Cervantes Sarmiento Morís 04
133Arroyo de la Hoz Layla Sofia 00 0 Narvaez Miranda Samuel Enrique 019
1420Navarro Castilla Samuel Andrés 00 0 Avendaño Vergara Steven David 04
11111Gomez Bohórquez Javier José 00 0 Rodriguez Chiquillo Enoc Yeshuah 027
11313Hernández Posada Juan David 00 0 Rodriguez Lafaurie Juan Felipe 029
111Pinedo Fernandez David Rebey 17160 0 Mafiol Orjuela Luciana 141841
133Trujillo Infante Ines Maria 16810 0 Arana Gonzalez Julian Said 140043
1444Chaves Mendieta Alejandro 14000 0 Gutierrez Torres Samuel David 16474
1646Herrera Morales Samuel 14000 0 Castro Herrera Juan Sebastian 15906
199Lopez Mass Maria Fernanda 15690 0 Pertuz Robles Santiago Jose 140049
11111Ruiz Amaya Valeria Saray 15300 0 Romero Abraham 140051
11313Mercado Florez Diego Armando 14680 0 Suarez Rodriguez David Alejandro 140053
11656Barrios Fontalvo Michael 00 0 San Juan Morales Alan Mathias 169416
11858Bassa Vizcaino Gleidys 00 0 Melnichuk Savva 160018
12262Cervantes Sarmiento Marcó Antonio 00 0 Suarez Rodriguez Tomas Alemao 151722
12323Morales Parejo Melanny Sofia 15140 0 Cesar Acosta Christian Alejandro 063
12525Diaz Reyes Luz Mariana 14960 0 Corpas Barriga Said 065
12929De La Rosa Llanos Luis Antonio 14810 0 Mendoza Brltran Mario Andres 069
13070Navarro Castilla Pedro Jose 00 0 Acosta Ojeda Edson De Jesus 146730
13131Rodriguez Munoz Robinson 14650 0 Nino Escobar Juan Jose 071
13272Orozco Mercado Àngel Andrés 00 0 Chamorro Cuello Juan Diego 146032
13333Vides Beleno Mario Sebastian 14600 0 Ortega Cabana Luis Mario 073
13535Velasquez Cuevas Joshua David 14570 0 Roa Jimenez Brenda 075
13939Ferreira Mendoza Luis Mathias 14370 0 Tete Moreno Jesús David 079
14080Vergara Rodriguez Sebastián José 00 0 Rizo Lopez Angel David 143040
14181Vesga Angulo Jose Antonio 00 1 bye 

Results of the last round for MAG

Player details for MAG

Mendoza Beltran Luis Angel 0 MAG Pts. 0
14Cervantes Sarmiento Morís0ATL0w
Narvaez Miranda Samuel Enrique 0 MAG Pts. 0
13Arroyo de la Hoz Layla Sofia0ATL0s
Navarro Castilla Samuel Andrés 0 MAG Pts. 0
14Avendaño Vergara Steven David0ATL0w
Rodriguez Chiquillo Enoc Yeshuah 0 MAG Pts. 0
111Gomez Bohórquez Javier José0ATL0s
Rodriguez Lafaurie Juan Felipe 0 MAG Pts. 0
113Hernández Posada Juan David0ATL0s
Pinedo Fernandez David Rebey 1716 MAG Pts. 0
141Mafiol Orjuela Luciana1418ATL0w
Trujillo Infante Ines Maria 1681 MAG Pts. 0
143Arana Gonzalez Julian Said1400ATL0w
Gutierrez Torres Samuel David 1647 MAG Pts. 0
144Chaves Mendieta Alejandro1400MAG0s
Ruiz Amaya Valeria Saray 1530 MAG Pts. 0
151Romero Abraham1400ATL0w
San Juan Morales Alan Mathias 1694 MAG Pts. 0
156Barrios Fontalvo Michael0ATL0s
Melnichuk Savva 1600 MAG Pts. 0
158Bassa Vizcaino Gleidys0ATL0s
Suarez Rodriguez Tomas Alemao 1517 MAG Pts. 0
162Cervantes Sarmiento Marcó Antonio0ATL0s
Morales Parejo Melanny Sofia 1514 MAG Pts. 0
163Cesar Acosta Christian Alejandro0MAG0w
Chamorro Cuello Juan Diego 1460 MAG Pts. 0
172Orozco Mercado Àngel Andrés0ATL0s
Velasquez Cuevas Joshua David 1457 MAG Pts. 0
175Roa Jimenez Brenda0ATL0w
Ferreira Mendoza Luis Mathias 1437 MAG Pts. 0
179Tete Moreno Jesús David0ATL0w
Rizo Lopez Angel David 1430 MAG Pts. 0
180Vergara Rodriguez Sebastián José0ATL0s
Chaves Mendieta Alejandro 1400 MAG Pts. 0
14Gutierrez Torres Samuel David1647MAG0w
Herrera Morales Samuel 1400 MAG Pts. 0
16Castro Herrera Juan Sebastian1590ATL0w
Pertuz Robles Santiago Jose 1400 MAG Pts. 0
19Lopez Mass Maria Fernanda1569ATL0s
Suarez Rodriguez David Alejandro 1400 MAG Pts. 0
113Mercado Florez Diego Armando1468ATL0s
Cesar Acosta Christian Alejandro 0 MAG Pts. 0
123Morales Parejo Melanny Sofia1514MAG0s
Corpas Barriga Said 0 MAG Pts. 0
125Diaz Reyes Luz Mariana1496ATL0s
Mendoza Brltran Mario Andres 0 MAG Pts. 0
129De La Rosa Llanos Luis Antonio1481ATL0s
Navarro Castilla Pedro Jose 0 MAG Pts. 0
130Acosta Ojeda Edson De Jesus1467ATL0w
Nino Escobar Juan Jose 0 MAG Pts. 0
131Rodriguez Munoz Robinson1465ATL0s
Ortega Cabana Luis Mario 0 MAG Pts. 0
133Vides Beleno Mario Sebastian1460ATL0s
Vesga Angulo Jose Antonio 0 MAG Pts. 0
1-bye- --- 1