Khuzestan Rapid Chess Tournament_Melli Bank Cup

Organizer(s)Khuzestan Chess Association
FederationIran ( IRI )
Tournament directorMr Yousefiraki, Mojtaba(12510475)
Chief ArbiterFA Zaeri, Anis(12763730)
Time control (Rapid)10 Minutes with 5 second increment from move 1
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating international
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 08.09.2024 02:45:00, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 97)

Tournament selectionKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule

Alphabetical list all groups

1Arad, Abooali4280743270IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
2Danial, Aghayi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
3Mohammadmehdi, Alavi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
4Shayan, Alidadi225551530IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
5Saeid, Alimoradi367467031624IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
6Parsa, Amini Yekta4280564340IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
7Hadi, Asakariyeh0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
8Emad, Ashrafi Nia425408281756IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
9Aziz, Badavi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
10Behdad, Badiei4280567010IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
11Amirhossein, Bahrami4280567280IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
12Khashayar, Bal Afkandeh427617430IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
13Amirabas, Barfar4280285110IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
14Alireza, Bosagh Zadeh225467312094IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
15Amin, Chamanpara427270570IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
16Amir Mahan, Delfi4280578210IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
17Abdolmajid, Dindar4280873300IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
18Ali, doubri0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
19Baran, Ebrahimi427618400IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
20Amir Mohammad, Elahi4280868480IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
21Nazgol, Eskandari0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
22Ali, Falavand Jozaei425543571759IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
23Yas, Falavand Jozaei425543651673IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
24Mohammad, Faraji327336581435IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
25Parmis, Gashtasbi4280587631498IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
26Homa, Ghamari0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
27Hadi, Gharibvand125223681852IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
28Reyhaneh, Gholami427990821491IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
29Arian, Ghorbani4280875000IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
30Abolfazl, Goudarzifar0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
31Mahtab, Hajizadeh0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
32Amir Ali, Hajizadeh427113631480IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
33Mohamad, Hamidavi125685381840IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
34Aziz, Hamidi425168111718IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
35Mohammad Reza, Hardani327337121552IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
36Ariana, Hazarian4280335740IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
37Pouya, Hazarian4280335900IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
38Zabihollah, Hemati4280230801635IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
39Pouya, Hosein Nejad427336851530IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
40Seyed Abolfazl, Hoseini Pouya4280568090IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
41Nirvana, Hoseinzadeh0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
42Ashkan, Iranmanesh427620300IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
43Nika, Janat Makan4280868990IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
44Baran, Javadi Sahaf4280580200IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
45Mehrsam, Johari4280580381418IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
46Amin, Kahyaei4280869020IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
47Parsa, Kamali425738231609IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
48Abbas, Kamali425738311693IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
49Nazanin, Kargarzadeh4280231291462IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
50Amir Hossein, Kargarzadeh327773370IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
51Habib, Kargarzadeh125094260IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
52Sepehr, Kargarzadeh4280231370IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
53Yasna, Karimzadeh4280286430IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
54Tannaz, Kataneh4280619930IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
55Parnian, Khaksar427115760IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
56Aysan, Kheybar427620730IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
57Artin, Khoramipouya0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
58Ashour, Kohansall125094771888IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
59Mohammad Hossein, Koochak Dezfuli327402120IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
60Zahra, Kord4280878870IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
61Amin, Kouh Givi427186431452IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
62Shayan, Loveimi427238251567IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
63Kasra, Mersaghian427621381477IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
64Kourosh, Mersaghian427621460IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
65Sobhan, Mohamadi Rad427576901518IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
66Parsa, Mohammad Pour427435751456IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
67Amirabbas, Momeni427920370IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
68Sholeh, Moradi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
69Tania, Moradi4280581000IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
70Yasin Mohammad, Moradi4280869290IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
71Danial, Moradi367984521641IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
72Fatemeh, Moravej427759651496IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
73Mojtaba, Moulayee0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
74Ghamar, Naghavi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
75Mahan, Najjar Zadeh4280581350IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
76Artan, Nasirpour0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
77Karen, Nasirpour0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
78Abolfazl, Nasrollahnezhad0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
79Naria, Nejati427946680IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
80Mohamadamin, Nejati4280232421428IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
81Yasin, Nekoeyan0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
82Amirali, Pazhohideh0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
83Nikan, Poursakhaei4280881820IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
84Sina, Rafieinia4280005871520IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
85Pouyan, Rasoulian4280882040IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
86Mahdyar, Rastgaripour367583290IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
87Amir Hosein, Saadatmanesh4280882390IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
88Mohammad, Sabooee225759790IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
89Ali, Sabooee427623081456IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
90Parsa, Sabooei4280882470IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
91Houshang, Samadi4280287751534IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
92Zia, Savaedi225856211686IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
93Mostafa, Sayahi4280233231672IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
94Helen, Seyedi367880900IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
95Dorsa, Seylani Shams Abadi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
96Majid, Shafiei4280088711452IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
97Larisa, Shahbazi0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
98Sonia, Sharifi427760230IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
99Arvin, Shayestehzadeh0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
100Shideh, Sheini367672981600IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
101Nima, Shoushtari4280884060IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
102Pouria, Taghizadeh367839941641IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
103Parsa, Taheri367190481960IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
104Janan, Torknezhad0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
105Erfan, Vafaeifar4280015750IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
106Kioumars, Yar Ahmadi327000401624IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
107Darush, Yarahmadi225938531774IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
108Reza, Yousefi425814431477IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
109Amirhossein, Zafari0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
110Satin, Zallaghi4280583800IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
111Siros, Zandi427106691531IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
112Mobin, Zarifi427624130IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
113Ayda, Zarki4280288640IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
114Mohammad, Zarki0IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou
115Mobina, Zolfaghari4280288721473IRIKhuzestan Rapid Chess Tou