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Scores required in Qualifers: U8 - 4 points; U10/12 Major - 4.5 points; U10/12 Minor - 3.5 points.
PRIZES All participants will receive certificates. Under 12 & 10: Trophy for LJCC Major Qualifiers, plaques for LJCC Minor Qualifiers. Under 8: Trophy for LJCC Qualifiers. All players with bye to see arbiter for repairing.

Hampton Qualifier for the London Junior Chess Championship Under 12

Last update 28.11.2024 13:31:50, Creator/Last Upload: Richmond Junior Chess Club

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Starting rank

1Liu, Leon3405741563U12St. Paul's Junior School
2Pearson, Charlie3610311519U12Streatham & Brixton Chess Club
3Xiong, Yichen3405061473U12Kings College Junior School
4Singh, Ravi3315601356U12Kings College Junior School
5Bunbich, Iaroslav3429941299U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
6Liu, Anbo3544061235U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
7Rao, Armaan3410191228U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
8Amadeu Fernandes, Luca3553191189U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
9Patnaik, Arjun Singh3433571181U12Kings College Junior School
10Lok, Hei3513811133U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
11Bajaj, Onik3417121096U12Watford Club
12Tie, Theodore3500671012U12City Of London School
13Yip, Marcus3474011012U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
14Jessett, Nathaniel341605997U12Hampton
15Anvarinaeini, Kiarad345608995U12Epsom/ Sutton Grammar
16Bhaduri, Aviraj368578962U12Heronsgate Primary School
17Kirbay, Batu341550948U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
18Kjaer, Alexander356173948U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
19Etemad, Oliver355243919U12Radnor House
20Eraydin, Deniz355977908U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
21Nguyen, Henry341551885U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
22Shtonda, Kseniia367070802wU12Chess Rising Stars
23Kotecha, Ahrin347519794U12Staines Prep School
24Fuorvito, Andrea347513670U12Granton Primary School
25Krishna, Sahana355550553wU12Richmond Junior Chess Club
26Ireddy, Rudra342256466U12Richmond Junior Chess Club
27Roy, Eshaan3700890U12Wimbledon Park Primary School