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Scores required in Qualifers: U8 - 4 points; U10/12 Major - 4.5 points; U10/12 Minor - 3.5 points.
PRIZES All participants will receive certificates. Under 12 & 10: Trophy for LJCC Major Qualifiers, plaques for LJCC Minor Qualifiers. Under 8: Trophy for LJCC Qualifiers. All players with bye to see arbiter for repairing.

Hampton Qualifier for the London Junior Chess Championship Under 8

Last update 18.10.2024 05:20:29, Creator/Last Upload: Richmond Junior Chess Club

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Starting rank

1Yang, Haocheng348352851U8Richmond Junior Chess Club
2Croos, Haadhvin Dave362336796U8Hackbridge Primary School
3Collier, Henry359921780U8Yateley Manor
4Wang, Noah348382763U8St. Paul's Junior School
5Gampa, Dyuthi Sri369378758wU8Richmond Junior Chess Club
6Gadgil, Max356074648U8Richmond Junior Chess Club
7Narayan, Sunjeev367891644U8Jolly Good Chess
8Cadman, Theo356986612U8Hurst Park Primary
9Kerr, Sofia356975612wU8Coombe Hill Juniors
10Mukherjee, Rai367871579wU8St James Catholic Primary Scho
11Smith, Louis353641547U8St. Paul's Junior School
12Postavnev, Dmitrii346717488U8Passed Pawn
13Zhang, Boyun367082409U8Desert Penguins
14Lavrovitskaya, Nita365470393wU8Desert Penguins
15Melendres, Nicolas363391386U8Richmond Junior Chess Club
16Lesnicenko, Mark367702378U8St. Andrew's Chess Club
17Kirbay, Efe360888341U8Richmond Juniors Chess Club
18Yeung, Heidrun360513254wU8Chessington Chess Club
19Brooks, Charles3694130U8Kew College Prep
20Brooks, Eleanor3713580wU8Grove Park Primary
21Habba, Maxim353485637U8Richmond Junior Chess Club
22Lo, Hermione3708530wU8Richmond Junior Chess Club
23Mccolgan, Noah356076427U8Kew College Prep
24Nguyen, Lucas371077100U8Richmond Junior Chess Club