Flores Quillas, Diego Saul Rodri (2451) - Moroni, Luca Jr (2558)45th Olympiad Budapest 2024 (Budapest), 21.09.2024
1.e4 g6 2.d4 Ag7 3.Cc3 c6 4.f4 Db6 5.Cf3 d5 6.e5 Ag4 7.Ae2 h5 8.h3 Axf3 9.Axf3 h4 10.O-O Cd7 11.b3 e6 12.Ce2 Ch6 13.Ae3 Cf5 14.Af2 a5 15.c4 Af8 16.c5 Dc7 17.Dd2 b6 18.cxb6 Dxb6 19.Cc3 Aa3 20.Ca4 Da7 21.Rh2 Rf8 22.Ag4 Rg7 23.Tfd1 Dc7 24.Dc2 Tac8 25.Td3 Th6 26.Tc3 f6 27.De2 Tf8 28.Rh1 fxe5 29.fxe5 Thh8 30.Td1 Tf7 31.Rg1 Db7 32.Tc2 Ae7 33.Td3 Thf8 34.Tf3 Ag5 35.Tfc3 Db4 36.Td3 Cg3 37.Axg3 hxg3 38.Af3 Tf4 39.Rf1 Db5 40.Cc3 Db4 41.Ca4 Db5 42.Rg1 T8f5 43.Rh1 Db4 44.Dd1 Db5 45.Cc3 Db6 46.Ce2 Th4 47.Cxg3 Tf7 48.Ag4 c5 49.dxc5 Cxc5 50.Tf3 Txf3 51.Dxf3 Th8 52.Df2 Ae7 53.De3 Db4 54.Af3 d4 55.Dc1 Cd3 56.Dd1 Cxe5 57.Tc7 Tf8 58.De2 Cxf3 59.Dxe6 Tf7 60.gxf3 d3 61.Td7 Df4 62.Dg4 Dc1+ 63.Rg2 Dd2+ 64.Rh1 De1+ 65.Rg2 Dd2+ 66.Rh1 Dc1+ 67.Rg2 Dc2+ 68.Rh1 Db1+ 69.Rg2 Dxa2+ 70.Rh1 Da1+ 71.Rg2 Db2+ 72.Rh1 Dc1+ 73.Rg2 Db2+ 74.Rh1 d2 75.f4 Dc2 76.h4 Axh4 77.Ch5+ Rh6 78.Td6 Te7
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