Feldgrösse (Pixel): 42 52 64 74 84

Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag (2562) - Piccoli, Lucas Fonseca (2097)

[%evp 11,71,23,33,28,38,33,56,60,60,60,58,60,57,60,162,156,177,167,231,223, 222,177,204,198,256,282,278,260,260,258,252,239,258,246,370,379,367,372,365, 368,360,367,391,389,556,543,652,635,641,626,791,763,720,757,735,546,1903,1937, 1788,1729,1337,1285] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.Nc3 g6 5.e5 Ng4 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.h3 B30: Sicilian: 2...Nc6 3 Bb5, lines without ...g6. Nh6 8.Ne4 [#] Bg7 [Predecessor: 8...b6 9.O-O Bg7 10.Qe2 O-O 11.a4 Nf5 12.c3 a5 13.d3 Qd7 14.Rd1 Rd8 ½-½ (71) Kribben,M (2652)-Moll,R (2630) ICCF email 2011 ]]
9.Nxc5 White is slightly better. Qd5 10.d4 b6 11.Nd3 Pair of Knights! Nf5 12.Nf4 Qa5+ [Black should try 12...Qe4+!+= 13.Qe2 Qxe2+ 14.Nxe2 c5 ]
13.Bd2+- Qb5 [#] 14.a4! [%mdl 2048] White is in control. Qc4 [ 14...Qxb2? 15.Nd3 Qxa1 16.Qxa1+- ; 14...Qa6 15.g4 Nh6 ]
15.b3 Qa6 16.c4 c5 17.d5 Nd4 [ 17...O-O 18.O-O Qb7 ]
18.Nxd4 cxd4 19.O-O Bxe5 20.Re1 Bd6 21.Bc1 Qa5 22.Nd3 [%cal Ob3b4,Bf4d3, Bd3b4,Bb4c6][%mdl 32] b4! is the strong threat. Bf5 [#] [ 22...O-O 23.Bb2 f6 24.Bxd4 Bf5 ]
23.Bd2! Qa6 24.Bb4 Black must now prevent Bxd6. O-O 25.Bxd6 exd6 [#] 26.Nb4 [%csl LRa6,LRd4] Qa5 27.Nc6 Qc3 [ 27...Qc5 keeps fighting. 28.Ne7+ Kg7 29.Nxf5+ gxf5 ]
28.Ne7+ White is clearly winning. Kh8 29.Nxf5 gxf5 30.Rc1 [%cal Ba1c1,Bc1e1,Be1e4][%mdl 32] Qb2 31.Re2 Qa3 32.Qxd4+ f6 33.Rce1 Threatening mate with Re7. Qxb3 34.Re7 White wants to mate with Qh4. Qc2 35.Qh4 [%csl Ge7][%cal Rh4h7] f4 36.R1e4 White took control after the opening. Weighted Error Value: White=0.03 (flawless) /Black=0.46


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