Zegarac, Vuk (2373) - Kosanovic, Goran A (2310)Prva liga Srbije 2020 - Muskarci (Hotel "Park" Ruma), 30.09.2020
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Cc3 Cf6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Ag5 c6 6.e3 h6 7.Ah4 Ae7 8.Dc2 Cbd7 9.Ad3 Ch5 10.Axe7 Dxe7 11.O-O-O Cb6 12.h3 Ae6 13.Cf3 Cf6 14.Rb1 O-O-O 15.Tc1 Rb8 16.Thd1 Tc8 17.Ca4 Cxa4 18.Dxa4 Ce4 19.Axe4 dxe4 20.Ce5 Thd8 21.Tc5 Td5 22.Tdc1 Txc5 23.Txc5 Ad5 24.Da3 Tc7 25.g3 g5 26.Da4 f6 27.Cg4 De6 28.Tc1 h5 29.Ch2 Dxh3 30.Cf1 h4 31.Da3 Df5 32.gxh4 gxh4 33.Df8+ Tc8 34.Dd6+ Ra8 35.Dh2 Th8 36.Cd2 Dg4 37.Cb3 b6 38.Tg1 Dd7 39.Df4 De7 40.Cd2 Rb7 41.Tg6 h3 42.Cf1 Db4 43.Tg7+ Ra6 44.Dc7 Ta8 45.Db7+ Rb5 46.Dxa8 De1+ 47.Rc2 Dxf1 48.Dxa7 Dxf2+ 49.Rd1 Df1+ 50.Rd2 Dd3+ 51.Rc1 Dxe3+ 52.Rc2 Dd3+ 53.Rc1 Dc4+ 54.Rd2 Dxd4+ 55.Rc2 h2 56.a4+ Rb4
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